A blog about my own opinions and things I have been learning about politics and American values. Its time to stop being led like sheep to the slaughter and to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Stop putting trust in politicians and start putting faith in God. The founders of our nation wanted equal opportunity, not equal stuff for the citizens.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I've decided, as I've been paying more attention to what is going on in our country and with our government, that I can't sit around and ignore things like I used to and just hope everything will work out. Therefore I've decided to start paying more attention to the news, educate myself on politics in general, and start forming my own opinions about current events. Granted I have begun to find sources of news from others who share my views, but I promise that I will not just accept everything these people say. I will have my own opinion and I will get the facts and sources before I post anything. I hope at the very least that this blog will serve as a venue for myself to educate myself and vent some of my frustration. I have realized over the past week or two as I've been doing more research that some of the things I used to think I believed may have changed. Some of the people I used to think were jokes actually have really good points on certain important issues. I am currently a registered Republican, but (and I'm not saying I'm going radical or completely changing my views) I've noticed that many times even the Republican Party is clueless where it comes to fixing the country. I am grateful that they are standing up against some of the policies the Democrats are trying to push through, but I also know that many of them are only doing so because they want the power back and not because they wouldn't do the same thing themselves if it were the Republicans pushing things through. Anyway, so that's your introduction to my political opinion currently. I'll be posting more stuff soon.

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