A blog about my own opinions and things I have been learning about politics and American values. Its time to stop being led like sheep to the slaughter and to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Stop putting trust in politicians and start putting faith in God. The founders of our nation wanted equal opportunity, not equal stuff for the citizens.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Are you really a conservative/liberal/whatever? Take this Nolan Chart Quiz!

I don't know how accurate the results of this are but I found them interesting. Some of the questions are a little more difficult to answer than others but just choose the one that is MOST true even if its not 100% accurate. For example if you are against gay marriage, the only option to choose for being against it is something about, "I'm a crazy bible thumping southern baptist telling people to kill Elton John!" I can tell you more about how I feel about gay marriage later. Anyway here's the link to the quiz. Now here's my results:

Turns out I'm more Libertarian than I thought. The explanation of the chart is pretty simple. Basically you still have left wing and right wing being liberal and conservative respectively just like most of us are familiar with. But rather than leaving things on a linear spectrum, the chart adds another dimension with Libertarianism and Statism. Libertarianism is small government (the top peak of the chart being basically anarchy) and Statism is huge government (communism). And of course you have the center meaning you want exact moderation of all views. Big but not too big but not too small, etc. I like this quiz because it has helped me pin down my personal political beliefs better. I remember when I first took Political Science 110 at BYU and finally learning more about what a conservative is and what a liberal is, I was very interested but I still didn't really know what I believed. I called myself a Republican but then I would hear all kinds of Liberal ideas or Progressive ideas and think, "that sounds like a good idea." And now that its been a number of years of paying attention to issues and learning about history and such I realize that the reason why so many sheep and uneducated people end up just going with whatever the liberals want is because the ideas sound like magical solutions to the world's problems but the reality is that they don't work and they limit freedom. Anyway, I'm going on a tangent. Take the quiz!

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