A blog about my own opinions and things I have been learning about politics and American values. Its time to stop being led like sheep to the slaughter and to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Stop putting trust in politicians and start putting faith in God. The founders of our nation wanted equal opportunity, not equal stuff for the citizens.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pelosi compares healthcare to Social Security and Medicare

This doesn't make me feel all warm and gooey inside about how wonderful this system is going to be. Most of this article is about a bunch of procedural mumbo jumbo about how they are forcing a vote for reconciliation to automatically mean a vote for the Senate bill. Something about keeping the Senate from using the filibuster to block passing or something or other. Basically from what I understand a vote for reconciliation is basically an acknowledgement by the majority party that there is opposition on both sides. Anyway I don't really know a whole lot about that topic, but then we see the following quote:
Pelosi believes, her caucus will see that this is "the most important bill most of us will ever pass," that it is legislation on par "with Social Security and Medicare."
Oh good, healthcare is on par with social security and medicare. Those systems are doing great aren't they?

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